Fish: A Tap Essay ∞
Everything about this essay by Robin Sloan is brilliant: The writing, the presentation, and the marketing.
Writing: “Fish” is a short, but thought-provoking essay on the relationship between liking and loving content on the web. Robin makes some great points on how to deal with the onslaught of interesting stuff the web keeps throwing at us. Definitely worth your time, and probably very suitable to being re-read from time to time.
Presentation: This is the fun part. This essay was not published on a blog, but in form of a little iPhone app. Even though I think that this shouldn’t become a standard, I’ll let this one pass. Because it’s so damn beautiful and fun. It feels more like watching the slides of a talk than reading an essay. There are a few lines of text at most on every screen, sometimes just a word. And at some point, oddly enough, the picture of a fish.
Marketing: The idea is slightly evil, but still brilliant: The most memorable lines of this essay have a Twitter button built right in. A few taps and you can tweet it, including a link to the essay, of course. Instant marketing, done in style. (You should totally found a company with that motto.)